Recycled Wastewater Beers

Epic Cleantec is Upcycling Wastewater into Circular Beer

References: springwise & epiccleantec

Using water that comes from showers, sinks, and washing machines, Epic Cleantec has created a beer called 'Epic OneWater Brew.' Epic Cleantec is a water technology company that installs onsite water recycling systems for buildings. The beer is a type of Kölsch-style ale, which is a German drink that is light and refreshing. The water that goes into the beer is cleaned and purified to meet the federal standards for drinking water quality.

The Epic OneWater Brew is not available for purchase, because the laws do not allow recycled wastewater to be used in commercial drinks. The beer was made as a way to show the benefits of water reuse and to start a discussion about how to save water in cities. The beer was first presented at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in San Francisco in 2023, where people could try it for free. Epic Cleantec wants to encourage more people to support the idea of circular water infrastructure and to advocate for policies that promote water reuse innovation.

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Epic Cleantec