Microalgae Brewing Projects

Young Henrys is Developing a More Sustainable Way to Brew Beer
Laura McQuarrie — July 8, 2021Sydney's Young Henrys brewery is working with the University of Technology Sydney Climate Change Cluster (C3) to make the art of brewing beer a more carbon-neutral process. The project with C3 involved developing a way to use microalgae to capture CO2 and turn it into oxygen. Since the fermentation process that occurs during the production of beer creates large amounts of CO2, the project aims to reduce strain on the climate. It would take about two days for a tree to absorb the CO2 from producing a six-pack but Young Henrys' in-house cultivated algae absorbs CO2 and produces as much oxygen as 2.5 acres of wilderness.
Co-founder Oscar McMahon revealed to the Sydney Morning Herald, "We’d like to get to the point where we can put a C02 catchment system internally and basically it would be a closed-loop within the brewery."