Carbon-Negative Algae Sodas

Ful is a Dutch Soda Brand Offering Blue Algae-Based Beverages

Ful has created a vivid blue-colored soda made with spirulina, a blue-green algae. The Dutch startup company incorporates health benefits into its drink by using the unlikely algae ingredient. While the soda's unique formula offers nutritional value, it also shrinks the industry's carbon footprint.

Ful's soda is packed with nutrients derived from the spirulina ingredient, including vitamin C and calcium. The blue-green microalgae is packed with untapped powers, and the founders of the Dutch startup aim to spread awareness of its usefulness in the fight against climate change. Julia Streuli, one of Ful's co-founders, explains that the algae is efficient at "transforming CO2 into nutrients and oxygen." Throughout the brand's production process, spirulina takes in more carbon than the total process emits, creating a negative carbon footprint.

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