Microalgae-Based Cheeses

Sophie's BioNutrients Created Cheese from Dairy-Free Microalgae Milk
Laura McQuarrie — November 10, 2021Next-gen sustainable food company Sophie's BioNutrients collaborated with Singapore's Ingredion Idea Labs innovation center to create microalgae-based cheese from Sophie's BioNutrients dairy-free microalgae milk. In terms of taste, this cheese is said to have a tangy and umami taste that's comparable to cheddar cheese. The cheese is easy to slice, spread over crackers and melt for a variety of comforting snacks and recipes.
The collaborating companies developed this unique recipe with microalgae protein flour and it helps to meet the demand for dairy-free and vegan cheese alternatives with two products: a semi-hard microalgae dairy-free cheese and a dairy-free cheese spread.
A one-ounce serving of the semi-hard microalgae cheese provides double the daily allowance of B12 and it sets itself apart with a low carbon footprint.