Our Mission

Launched by Trend Hunter, we are a community dedicated to POSITIVE eco trends, news, breakthroughs, and CO2 removal

Clean The Sky exists to showcase positive eco news & breakthroughs, while promoting awareness of what we need to get done to save the planet (from CO2).

Almost two decades ago, I founded TrendHunter.com as a place for people to share innovative ideas to make the world a better place. As a company, Trend Hunter blossomed, garnering 3.5 billion views and using our traffic patterns to do more than 12,000 custom trend projects for most of the world’s most popular brands, from Coca-Cola and Starbucks to adidas and Universal Studios. The catch was that as we started helping so many brands with AI and creating the future, that we started thinking more deeply about our role in helping to shape a more eco and sustainable future.

Initially, our eco team pushed on this mandate by writing more than 30,000 eco trends, delivering more than 250,000,000 views of exposure to eco articles, and by including sustainable topics in my keynotes, our Future Festivals and our 1,000+ client workshops. At the same time, we planted 1,000,000 trees (through Trees.org). But we still wondered about how to be more impactful.

And for me, that’s when an alarming epiphany happened… the forest fires of 2023. Just as I was bringing my new baby boy into the world, we experienced a summer of forest fires so intense that we were told babies and the vulnerable should not go outside… For 120 days! Of his 180 day life. Worse yet, billions of trees burned down, making our 1,000,000 trees planted seem not so significant.

I wanted to do something bigger, which led us to CleanTheSky.com. At the same time, we were learning a lot about Direct Air Capture, and so we approached Oxy to see if they would sponsor our initiative to showcase positive eco news & breakthroughs, while promoting awareness of what we need to get done to save the planet (from CO2). And they agreed!

When we talked to one of the lead scientists at 1PointFive, she left us with a powerful metaphor. The Atmospheric Bathtub. She said, the atmosphere is like a bathtub, and right now it is overflowing with CO2. 50% more than the amount that should be there. If your bathtub was overflowing, you would not just turn down the tap. That is what it’s like if you only reduce, reuse and recycle. We need to pull the drain TOO and get some of the water out. And that’s the idea that to Clean The Sky, we also need to REMOVE CO2 from the sky.

As an online community, CleanTheSky.com is just in its launch phase, but the Trend Hunter team has already written up a few thousand eco breakthroughs for our new launch, and we have determined a number of guiding principles for the adventure.

  • We want to highlight positive breakthroughs, and not disasters and fear
  • We believe the road ahead is difficult, but that human innovation can prevail
  • We want to be purpose-driven but also transparent about the size of the challenge
  • We want to address many of the common misconceptions
  • We will be a platform for scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs who are trying to make a difference
  • We will especially look to highlight affordable scalable solutions that you or your company can implement
  • We will emphasize the global need to be Geo Zero, which means reducing, reusing, recycling but also permanently REMOVING CO2
  • We will be community-focused, catering to those creative minds that believe we can make a difference and solve the problem.

Let’s do this, together.