Renewable Energy Brewery Pledges

The Lion Brewery Has Announced a 2025 Carbon-Neutral Pledge

References: foodbev & lionco

The Lion brewery has announced that it will shift to 100% renewable electricity by 2025 to help further enhance the sustainable profile of the brand. The announcement comes hot off the heels of news from the brand that it will become the first major carbon neutral brewer in Australasia in 2020. The pledge is likely to help push more brands towards sustainable practices by setting new standards for the industry.

Speaking on the renewable electricity pledge, Lion CEO Stuart Irvine said, "Lion is proud to be extending its reliance on renewable electricity as a key component of maintaining climate active certified carbon neutral operations. Lion is now proudly pulling every carbon abatement lever available. Not only have we committed to sourcing all our electricity from renewable sources to lower our emissions, but we are offsetting our remaining organisational footprint to put us in a carbon neutral position."