Upcycled Book-Made Marbled Furniture

Willem Zwiers Designs the Tranformed Remnants Series

References: dezeen & instagram

Design student Willem Zwiers presents a look at his new Transformed Remnants collection which is made up of furniture designs. It features second-hand books that are used to construct the furniture and these are all currently on display at the Design Academy Eindhoven graduate show for Dutch Design Week. The collection is made up of a side table, bookshelf, and desk lamp -- all of these are made from books.

Zwiers states, "We treat marble like it's precious and I found it an interesting contrast to this material because we throw away a lot of books." All of the designs are able to stand up on their old and are even strong enough to hold other items. Zwier continues, "I can still develop it further with higher pressure, maybe even in a vacuum machine to get rid of all the air. Then it should be even stronger and then I can make chairs out of it. That will be a challenge for the future."