Plastic Scrap Stools

The 'Scrap Life Project' Prominently Features Repurposed Plastic Waste

References: dezeen &

Rather than letting the unconventionally shaped pieces of plastic from an injection-moulding factory go to waste, a group of German designers created the Scrap Life Project and with it, repurposed plastic waste stools.

Grischa Erbe and Moritz Jähde of Spreng & Sonntag, and Clemens Lauer and Max Guderian of Studio Stabil observed that during the injection-moulding process, color or material changes resulted in waste. The raw plastic forms solid plates, but it is typically discarded. To complete the design of the stools, the designers pressed heated steel tubes into the plastic, effectively creating a simple seating solution. Because no two pieces of plastic waste are alike, each and every stool design is unique.

The repurposed plastic waste stools were recently presented at the Ambiente trade show in Frankfurt, Germany.