Sustainable Glass Packaging Platforms

The Close the Glass Loop Platform Aims to Improve Recycling

References: packagingeurope

'Close the Glass Loop' is a European initiative described as "a bottom-up, collaborative, public-private partnership that aims to boost glass collection rates, in comparison with a current rate of 76%." The platform's goal is to increase collection rates by 90% by the year 2030 and consists of 12 European countries and the glass manufacturers, producers, packaging recovery organizations and brands within them.

Close the Glass Loop's plans to partner with national partners in every EU region and has had over 200 participants involved after its initial online launch.

“Glass is a great example of a circular material. You are already achieving outstanding results in waste collection and recycling. But today you show that you want to do more, that you are determined to bring levels up across the EU and seek the room for improvement all along the chain." said Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European commissioner of the environment, fisheries, and oceans regarding the initiative.

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Packaging Europe