Food Waste-Based Products

'Waste is Delicious' Uses Food Waste to Create Soup, Soap & More
Laura McQuarrie — March 31, 2018The Netherlands is hoping to significantly reduce the amount of food that is thrown away in the country with a new project called 'Waste is Delicious.'
The Waste is Delicious (Verspilling is Verrukkelijk) initiative is supported by a local university and a new national program called United Against Food Waste. So far, the project has introduced a wide range of food, beverage and personal care products that are made from food that would otherwise go to waste. This includes repurposing "ugly" vegetables into soups, making beer out of stale bread and even making soap from orange peels. In the first week of sales alone, more than 700 products were sold.
The government aims to reduce the amount of food that is thrown away by 17 million people by half, which would make it the first country in Europe to meet this global development goal by 2030.