Food Waste Cooking Books

'Scraps, Wilt & Weeds: Turning Wasted Food into Plenty' is Resourceful

References: dudeiwantthat & amzn

A vast amount of the food that we grow and prepare ends up being thrown away, so the 'Scraps, Wilt & Weeds: Turning Wasted Food into Plenty' cooking books aim to help users everywhere make the most of otherwise wasted ingredients. Written by Mads Refslun and Tama Matsuoka Wong, 'Scraps, Wilt & Weeds: Turning Wasted Food into Plenty' offers tips, tricks and recipes for turning what might otherwise be interpreted as junk parts of the food into a delicious dish.

With more consumers looking for ways to limit their consumption, the 'Scraps, Wilt & Weeds: Turning Wasted Food into Plenty' cooking books come as a versatile option for turning ingredients that are too young, too ripe or viewed as waste into something extraordinary.