Upcycled Watermelon Waste Chutneys

Fresh Direct Watermelon Rind Chutney Combats Against Food Waste

References: foodbev & freshdirect

The Watermelon Rind Chutney has been unveiled as a new product from Fresh Direct in the UK as a product that combats against food waste by utilizing an unexpected recipe with an upcycled star ingredient. The product makes use of watermelon rinds that would otherwise be thrown away, and sees it paired with an array of spices like mustard seed, turmeric, cumin, chili, garlic and ginger to achieve an Indian chutney and sambal-inspired option. The chutney is infused with sultanas, lemons and onions to help liven up the flavor even further, and is great for being paired with poppadoms, curries, strong cheeses and cured meats.

Head of Food Development at Fresh Director Ian Nottage spoke on the Watermelon Rind Chutney saying, "As the UK’s leading supplier of fresh produce for foodservice, one of the challenges we set our development chefs is to focus on minimal waste cooking with customers, helping them to reduce waste by maximising the use of every part of the fruit or the vegetable. Therefore, we have no excuse for not putting into practice what we preach. Rather than treat the rind of the watermelon as a waste product, we’ve taken it and turned a potential negative into a delicious product.”