Outdoor Gear Buy-Back Programs

'Rock Solid Used Gear' Sells Used Outdoor Gear from Arc'teryx
Laura McQuarrie — June 18, 2019As brands explore the ways that they can participate in a circular economy, many fashion retailers are exploring take-back and buy-back programs so that used garments can be easily recirculated to a new owner—Arc'teryx is now venturing into recommerce for the first time with its own used outdoor gear. As company prides itself on creating gear that's fit to last a lifetime, its Rock Solid Used Gear is now a place to purchased used gear or trade in lightly used products.
The buy-back program accepts Arc'teryx gear that's in good condition and will clean and repair products with life left in them. Following this, these items are resold at a lower cost, helping to connect consumers to affordably priced gear and a reduced environmental footprint.