Landmark Aquavoltaic Projects

TrinaSolar Instigates a 'Solar-Storage Integration Project'

The 'Solar-Storage Integration Project,' led by TrinaSolar in collaboration with industry partners, recently showcased a significant agrivoltaic and aquavoltaic initiative. This "150MW installation combines solar power generation with aquaculture, using TrinaSolar's high-efficiency 210 Vertex series modules: The project was completed in two phases, with Phase II featuring TrinaStorage's energy storage solution—a 27MW/54MWh liquid-cooled battery storage system called Elementa."

Located on land once affected by coal mining, the project uses innovative land strategies, integrating agriculture beneath solar panels and aquaculture with floating solar systems. By using TrinaSolar's 'Vertex series modules,' the project reduces the cost of electricity, offering strong returns for stakeholders.

TrinaStorage's Elementa system in Phase II is designed for flexibility and safety, integrating key components like battery cells and cooling systems to optimize energy storage for renewable applications.

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Trina Storage