Sustainable Corn Farming Programs

PCM Unveils a Sustainability Program for Renegerative Farming

Spearheaded by Precision Conservation Management (PCM) and supported by leading agricultural and environmental organizations, a $2.8 million program is paving the way for corn farmers across the United States to adopt regenerative farming practices. This program also helps enhance economic outcomes for growers.

The initiative aims to impact over 100,000 acres of farmland in the next five years. Farmers participating in the program will gain access to advanced tools and resources to implement practices such as reduced tillage, strategic cover cropping, and optimized nitrogen management. A key focus of the program is reducing the administrative hurdles often associated with adopting conservation practices.

“Farmers are spread thin and are already making hundreds of management decisions each year. Our specialists work hand-in-hand with farmers to identify opportunities to improve the health of their farmland and success of their operation," said Greg Goodwin, Director of PCM.

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Precision Conservation Management