Dedicated Ocean-Protecting Organizations

Oceana Canada Focuses on Conservation with Its Campaigns

References: oceana &

Oceana Canada is an independent charity that is affiliated with Oceana, Inc., which was founded in 2001 and is known as the largest international organization focused on ocean conservation. Through its diverse work and advocacy, Oceana Canada hopes to maintain rich, healthy, and abundant environments in Canadian oceans.

One of the organization's most recent campaigns pertains to the possible extinction of the North Atlantic right whale. In the period between 2017 and 2020, an estimated number of 32 right whales have died and 21 of them were in Canadian waters. Oceana Canada also claims that there are only 360 North Atlantic right whales remaining, with females making up fewer than 100 of that number.

Oceana Canada approaches this time-sensitive issue by advocating for a decrease in the number of vertical fishing lines in the water and the mandatory decrease in speed for passing vessels. The organization also invites individuals to take action by sighing a petition and donating.