Coral Reef Adoption Gifts

You Can Adopt a Coral with Coral Vita with as Little as $1

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For a sustainable gift with real impact this holiday season, give the ocean lover in your life the opportunity to adopt a coral and help revive our oceans through reef restorers Coral Vita.

Delicate, beautiful, and home to a quarter of all ocean life, coral reefs are one of the first ecosystems to feel the effect of climate change. Without action, 90% of coral reefs are expected to die by 2050 - and half are already gone.

Coral Vita harnesses cutting-edge science and technology to grow dozens of varieties of resilient coral up to 50x faster than nature. The brand's Bahamas-based coral farm has grown and outplanted thousands of coral fragments and invites the public to join them in their efforts.

Coral Vita offers various tiers including Reef Builder, Adopt a Coral, a T-shirt Bundle, and more.