Eco Mission-Inspired Bracelets

Ecoalition Launches Eco-Friendly Bracelets to Support Its Mission

References: ecoalition

Ecoalition, "a cause-based facilitator focused on protecting the health and vitality of the planet," recently launched a line of eco-friendly bracelets to fund its efforts in keeping the seas clean and battling deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. The piece also serves as a symbol of the individual commitment to protecting Earth. The business model with the eco-friendly bracelets is quite simple—you purchase one and a tree is planted in your name in a deforested area in Brazil.

Naturally, the materials used for the bracelets are also sustainable in origin. All of Ecoalition's bracelets are made with "a variety of recycled materials originally culled from our oceans and lands." Individuals who wish to support Ecoalition's efforts can choose between four bracelet designs, including the EcoBreeze, the EcoChic, the EcoSea, and the EcoVida.

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