Oceanic NFT Artworks

Moen Created Five NFT Art Designs Inspired by the Five Major Ocean Gyres

References: prnewswire & opensea.io

Inspired by the five major ocean gyres located across the globe, Moen created five NFT art designs as part of its Mission Moen sustainability commitment. As the brand is passionate about protecting and preserving the world's most precious resource, it wants to inspire care and action through ownership.

Proceeds from the auction of the five digital assets will help to support the non-profit organization 5 Gyres. The brand has also taken steps to make its NFTs carbon-negative so that the environment is further protected from the impact of cryptocurrency itself.

As of Earth Day, Moen is introducing a new commitment to recover and repurpose 2,000 tons of ocean-bound plastic by 2030 and incorporate recycled ocean plastic into packaging for products.