Broken Biscuit Snacks

Morinaga's Imperfect Moonlight Cookies are Cracked and Crescent-Shaped

References: soranews24 &

Consumers have been enjoying Moonlight cookies for decades and soon, food manufacturer Morinaga will be introducing Imperfect Moonlight cookies that are as flavorful as ever yet not as perfect as the versions that have been on store shelves. These cookies are sold cracked, chipped, broken or with flour on them from the manufacturing process. These imperfect cookies are proudly branded as such, with pouch packaging that depicts biscuits in pieces.

Food and beverage brands are embracing the concept of selling less-than-perfect products as a means of fighting food waste. Whether they are selling misshapen produce or repurposing broken cookies, brands not only reduce waste but also promote sustainability, encouraging consumers to appreciate the taste and value of imperfect yet delicious offerings.