Waste-Reducing Alphabet Chocolates

LOCOletter's Contrasting Pieces are Designed to Reduce Waste
Laura McQuarrie — November 9, 2020LOCOletter improves on the design of classic alphabet chocolates by cleverly reducing waste with shapely light and dark pieces. While chocolate letters usually need to be created with individual molds, these designs can be made by piecing different shapes together with contrasting edible blocks. Traditionally, those who celebrate Sinterklaas are given their initials made out of chocolate as a gift. While there are many alphabet chocolate gifts that go around on December 5th as part of this tradition, it's estimated that a million chocolate letters go to waste each year—along with the packaging that they're wrapped in.
The packaging for LOCOletter also takes waste reduction into consideration, as it uses a paperboard that combines the shells of the cacao fruit with FSC fibers.