Puzzle-Making Plastic Recyclers

The Conceptual 'HOMEPY' Home Upcycling System Transforms Waste

References: tuvie & behance.net

The conceptual 'HOMEPY' home upcycling system is an eco-focused solution for consumers looking to take recycling into their own hands and enjoy an artistic experience. The unit works by having plastic waste placed inside it before being activated to grind it down, heat it up and mold it into small nanoblocks that can be interconnected in a puzzle-like manner. This will transform waste into an artistic medium that is perfect for children or adults alike to use much in the same manner as interconnecting building blocks.

The conceptual 'HOMEPY' home upcycling system is the design work of Dayeon Choi and Minsu Kim, and would enable consumers to take more control over their own plastic waste instead of relying on municipal services.