Plastic Bag Recycling Appliances

The Clear Drop SPC Forms Bags into Recyclable Bricks

References: newatlas & onecleardrop

The Clear Drop SPC (Soft Plastic Compressor) is a kitchen appliance for transforming plastic bags into recyclable bricks that are ready to be recycled via curbside collection. The unit features a freestanding design that could almost be likened to a paper shredder, but works by having plastic bags fed into the top slot where they are stored until the system is full. The unit will then go to work heating them up and forming them into a cubic brick with a tuft at the top to allow for easy carrying.

The Clear Drop SPC is priced at $295 and is expected to be available for preorder starting next month. The brand will only be offering the appliances to consumers who are located near recycling facilities where the plastic bag bricks can be recycled.