Waste-Repurposing Greenhouses

The HomeBioGas Biogas Converter Turns Waste into Cooking Gas

References: gizmag & homebiogas

The push for more economical means of maintaining or creating a modern lifestyle has brought about the development of the HomeBioGas Biogas Converter that is being developed as a consumer product that would turn waste into cooking gas in just a few hours. The HomeBioGas Biogas Converter works by taking food scraps and animal waste and digesting it over the course of several hours; the cooking gas produced could then be utilized in a modified range to cook food or power other appliances.

The HomeBioGas Biogas Converter is capable of creating cooking gas, but will also be able to produce liquified fertilizer as a by-product of the machine. Because of the low methane gas concentration, the HomeBioGas Biogas Converter is never at risk of catching fire or causing an explosion, which makes it suitable for residential use.