Waste-Repurposing Home Composters

The Beeco Kitchen Composter Turns Food Waste into Fertilizer

References: prnewswire & beecolab

Soon, the Beeco Kitchen composter will be making its debut on Indiegogo, introducing households to an efficient way to fight food waste and nurture their gardens at the same time. The home composting system is designed to turn food waste into real fertilizer and it is not only convenient to use but fast too, since it leverages an exclusive compound microbe to accelerate the decomposition of kitchen waste.

According to Beeco, "100 tons of kitchen waste can produce about five tons of organic fertilizer, and the waste reduction rate for the whole process is as high as 95%."

Messes and odors are some of the things that keep people from composting at home, and Beeco supports eco-friendly households with odorless operations.