Recycled Performance Runners

adidas' Futurecraft Loop Phase 2 Repurposes the First Loop Style

References: fastcompany & news.adidas

adidas cast a vision for a circular economy with the design of its sustainable Futurecraft Loop sneaker and now it is introducing the next generation of this concept with the Futurecraft Loop Phase 2. The making of this second generation of sneakers wouldn't be possible without the first iteration of the Loop sneakers, as the designs were collected by adidas, recycled and remade into the components of a new high-performance running shoe. As ever, this new style is fully recyclable, which will help to support the creation of the next version of the shoe, and so on.

The Futurecraft Loop Phase 2 is set for release in the spring or summer of 2021 and the most noticeable update to the design includes a blue hue from naturally colored TPU.