E-Bike Recycling Initiatives

Call2Recycle is an IndustryWide Recycling Program for Micro-Mobility

Call2Recycle is a new industrywide program for the micro-mobility industry that will allow manufacturers and retailers alike to recycle important e-bike components. With an original focus on batteries, the company has partnered with retailers such as 'BCycle' and bike-sharing programs such as 'LLC/Trek Bicycles' to provide recycling kits and informational guides on how to recycle used components.

The Call2Recycle program also includes designated pickup and drop-off locations across the United States that allow it to collect post-consumer products for repurposing. The company creates safety equipment, batteries, and more out of the materials it collects. Call2Recycle, BCycle, and more businesses in the e-bike industry note that there is expected to be exponential growth in the number of e-bikes sold from 2020 to 2030. In response to this assessment, the Call2Recycle program hopes to stifle waste production in the industry before it becomes a large issue.

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