Zero Waste Markets

Vancouver to Lead with Canada's First Zero-Waste Grocery Store
Meghan Young — March 25, 2016Charging five cents for plastic bags is not much of a deterrent to cutting waste in grocery stores and so the Zero Waste Market has stepped up the eco-friendly game. The first of its kind in Canada, the Zero Waste Market will be opening its doors in Vancouver come this fall. It invites people to purchase whatever amounts they need or want by placing it in containers they bring themselves.
The Zero Waste Market was inspired by similar stores already existing internationally. Yet co-founder Brianne Miller says, "We always think it’s kind of funny because people are like, ‘This is such a great idea!’ But this is how our grandparents shopped 100 years ago. So, we’ve kind of come so far from that." When you think about that, sometimes evolution isn't better.