Zero Waste Grocery Tips

GreenUP Stresses the Importance of Sustainability During COVID-19

The GreenUP Store and Resource Center is calling out to consumers to be mindful of food waste during the COVID-19 pandemic and it aims to encourage sustainable behavior by launching a feature with zero waste grocery tips, tricks, and resources through its platform. In doing so, GreenUP hopes that it can help consumers "plan meals more effectively, reduce food waste, and shop less frequently.

Some of the zero waste grocery tips include "leftovers [...] at the front of the line," meaning they should be kept visible and one must eat them within 48 hours. Another tip calls for the shopping list to be "a living, shared document." Here, GreenUP quotes Bea Johnson, author of Zero Waste Home, who recommends there is a physical copy of the shopping list in one's kitchen.

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