Plastic-Swapping Stores

The Amazonian Ecological Market Lets Customers Trade Recyclables for Food
Alyson Wyers — May 22, 2017This ecological market allows customers to trade plastic for food. Based in the Amazon Forest in between Brazil and Peru, the recycling market lets people swap plastic, aluminum cans and other recyclable items for food. Currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo's Generosity platform, Troc Troc -- Supermercado Consciente is led by Ashaninka Tribe spiritual leader Benki Piyako along with the House of Indians.
Recyclable materials are weighed and given in exchange for food vouchers. If the recyclables are clean, the customer will receive 20% more food as well. In the name of sustainability, the ecological market only stocks locally sourced produce. The raw materials are sent to a recycling plant nearby in Rio Blanco after the store processes them.