Sustainable Electronic Retail Designations

Best Buy Received Its First Zero Waste Certification

Best Buy recently received its first-ever zero waste certification at its Reverse Logistics Center in Chino, California after the electronic retail company managed to keep 99.67% of its waste away from landfills over the course of the year.

The zero waste certification is named the Total Resource Use and Efficiency certification, or TRUE certification, and is overseen by Green Business Certification. The new designation comes after several sustainability commitments from Best Buy, which is working to reduce carbon emissions by 75% before 2030 and also to reduce consumer emissions by 20% ahead of that same year. Best Buy has also signed the Climate Pledge to be entirely carbon neutral by the year 2040.

"The Chino facility achieved this milestone by identifying waste streams and finding ways to make it easier for employees to recycle," said Best Buy in a statement.