Saline Water Treatment Projects

The SaltGae Project Looks at Algae's Potential to Treat Wastewater
Kalin Ned — October 23, 2019When it comes to ensuring a greener and safer future, figuring out innovative, efficient, and non-environmentally threatening ways for saline water treatment is incredibly important. The number of people who do not have access to drinkable water is growing as pollution takes a stronger grasp on the planet.
The objective of projects like SaltGae is to secure "a techno-economically viable solution for the treatment of saline wastewaters." The researchers are looking into the potential of halotolerant bacteria and algae, embracing organic solutions that will not contribute further to the state of pollution.
In addition, the saline water treatment solutions that SaltGae determines as viable will be presented as a case study to the "cross-cutting barriers to innovation identified in the European Innovation Partnership on Water."
The project also boasts a Stakeholder Platform that is designed to boost engagement, mobilization, and networking.
Photo Credits: SaltGAe