Kelp-Boosting Aquaculture Farms

This Farm Aims to Use Salmon Waste to Boost the Growth Of Kelp

A pair of notable Norwegian fish farming companies have teamed up with none other than the SINTEF Ocean research institute in order to set up a unique aquaculture farm that is designed to take advantage of the waste produced by salmon in order to enhance the growth and health of kelp.

Situated in Norland county, this experimental aquaculture farm is designed to grow salmon and kelp in close proximity. The benefit of this particular setup is that the feces and waste produced by salmon will be available to the kelp, with the resulting uptake in nutrients helping the seaweed to grow in a faster and healthier manner. Not only will the kelp be available for use to enhance the nutrients of livestock feed for cattle, but some of its byproducts can actually be of use in salmon feed, making for a mutually beneficial arrangement.