Plastic-Free Gum Packaging

Milliways Super Natural Gum is Touting its Benefits More Strongly

Milliways super natural gum has performed a packaging refresh in a bid to educate consumers on its product and help them to shift away from other varieties on the market.

The plant-based gum is now emblazoned with a plastic-free ingredients emblem on the front, which drives home its plastic-free recipe. This will help to set the product apart from the alternatives on the market that are often crafted with a plastic gum base.

The Milliways super natural gum brand spoke on the updates in a statement saying, "The main sticking point for plant-based chewing gum, is that the majority of people don’t realise that they’re chewing bits of single-use plastic when they opt for conventional big-brand gum. It was imperative that the new packaging would not only visually disrupt the category and set itself apart on the shelves, but also help to educate customers about plastic-free ingredients, not just plastic-free packaging. Milliways lives up to its slogan ‘The Future of Gum is Here’, setting out to make plastic-free chewing gum the norm by using sustainable, plant-based and biodegradable ingredients.”