Slow Fashion Apps

Bandi's "New Year Reuseolution" Challenges Participants Not to Buy New Clothes

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Slow fashion app Bandi (nicknamed "The Dating App for Your Wardrobe") is a place where users can trade used clothes without having to invest in anything other than the postage to ship their goods.

With the arrival of a new year and resolutions that have the potential to makeover a tired identity, people often begin making changes to their wardrobe to suit a desired self-image. For 2023, Bandi is challenging users to participate in the New Year Reuseolution by not buying any new clothes for a month, although swapping or acquiring second-hand items is permitted. For those who want to take the no-spend plegde to new heights, as Bandi co-founder and CEO Frankie Theakston did in 2022, there's a year-long No New 2023 challenge.