Post-Apocalyptic Aluminum Furniture

Students at HEAD Genève Create 2084, Diorama of the Future

References: dezeen &

A team of students at the Swiss design school HEAD Genève works together to create an installation dubbed 2084, Diorama of the Future. It is comprised of unique furniture designs that imagine a dystopic campsite at Alcova. This is unveiled as a part of Milan Design Week. The project is headed by students specifically in the Master of Arts in Interior Architecture and is in the Villa Bagatti Valsecchi, a historic villa. It features furniture that forms a nomad camp with resilient materials and found objects.

The team explains, "While 19th-century dioramas presented romanticized visions of exotic natures behind glass screens that detached visitors from their complexities, Diorama of the Future inserts visitors right in front of damaged environments, calling for new ecosystemic actions. Within this large device, students will take on the role of inhabitants of this changing vivarium, whose evolution will problematize the relationship between representation, agency, and climate change."

Image Credit:

Piergiorgio Sorgetti