Fabric-Patching Gadgets

The Weaver Machine Facilitates the Instant and Precise Mending of Clothing
Amelia Roblin — September 8, 2015If the Weaver machine were to become a reality, you would no longer need to say goodbye to your favorite articles of clothing. This innovative design by Larissa Trindade of Brazil has a whole bunch of positive implications for the individual, the fashion industry and the environment, all wrapped up into one futuristic sphere.
Reducing waste and new product demand, this small-job sewing machine would allow consumers to go through fewer textiles by quickly and accurately repairing torn and worn fabrics. This Electrolux Design Lab entry revolves around the enhancing possibilities of bio-culture fabrication, facilitating the growth and restoration of fabrics using vegetable leather made from sugar, bacteria and green tea.
The user would take a photo of the damaged duds with his smartphone camera, which would send color and texture information to the Weaver machine. Once you place a semisphere upon the ripped site, the 3D printing cartridge would re-thread with the methodicalness of a spider building a web.