Sustainable Airline Flights

United Airlines Has Completed a Test Flight With 100% Sustainable Fuel

'United Airlines' has successfully completed the first of what is likely many sustainable airline flights. The fuel used on this flight results in 80% fewer carbon emissions than traditional jet fuel. The fuel that powered this flight was created by 'World Energy,' a company committed to creating zero-emissions energy solutions. The fuel is comprised of natural ingredients such as fats and oils that are then synthesized in a similar method that fossil fuels are.

On top of this, the World Energy alternative natural fuel functions identically to traditional airline fuel. The utilization of this natural fuel source does not require airline modifications, as well as it does not require more fuel storage to be capable of flying the same distance. The largest barrier facing full-fledged adoption of this sustainable fuel going forward is the available quantity. It cannot be produced on a large scale quickly enough to meet the current demand for fuel at United Airlines, though this may change in the future.

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