Upcycled Oyster Shell Solutions

Shellter Uses Leftover Oyster Shells for Sustainable Products

References: saanichnews

Shellter, an upcoming startup, is working on a new eco-friendly road de-icer and shell-infused compost project. While still in development, the road de-icer product offers a natural alternative to standard road de-icing salts.

While often overlooked, discarded oyster shells can also counterbalance the acidity found in common compost ingredients like coffee grounds. Shellter has studied this material's unique, balanced pH composition, producing a nutrient-dense soil product ideal for greenhouses and other farming environments focusing on peppers and cucumbers.

By addressing specific soil nutrient needs, Shellter's oyster shell compost has the potential to enhance crop yields for local growers.

“These oysters are playing a super vital ecological role in creating habitat, providing food; they also buffer coastal erosion so that’s going to help in the fight against climate change," said Raj Behari, Shellter founder. “If I were to die tomorrow, I’d want to know I left this world a better place than how I found it.”

Image Credit:

Jack Romphf, Victoria News