3D Printed Mycelium Tiles

Biodegradable Mycelium Living Structures

Fungi-Based Building Materials

Biowaste Eggshell-Based Tiles

Bio-Made Fabric Collections

Bio-Waste Wall Tiles

Microalgae Building Materials

Biodegradable Fungal-Based Packaging

Biodegradable 3D-Printed Shoes

Biodegradable Mycelium Grills

Organically Made Acoustical Material

Upcycled Waste Tiles

Sustainable Algae-Based Cement

Biomaterial-Made Showhomes

Zero-Waste 3D-Printed Decor

Bacteria-Created Material Innovations

Post-Consumer Marbled Tiles

Biophilic Air Purifier Collections

Wood Waste-Transformed Screens

Algae-Based Building Concepts

Eco-Conscious Floor Tiles

bioMATTERS Presents the MYCO-ALGA Tiles Inspired by Nature
Amy Duong — November 19, 2023References: designboom & biomatters.org
bioMATTERS presents a look at the new MYCO-ALGA tiles, which are 3D-printed and represent the look of organisms. It is a sustainable design that is also biodegradable. The MYCO-ALGA series is made for interior tiling systems with the base foundation of natural and organic waste that is given a new life with actual living organisms.
It uses a unique digital design that is then printed and grows the organisms. This enriches the process from the bio-pigments to the fabrication and more. It starts with the waste materials being ground down to become a paste-like texture and then created as the foundation of the build. Once it turns into a paste, it is customized into shapes, and over two weeks, it is cultivated in a controlled space.