Gargantuan Sustainable Jeans

These Gigantic Jeans Will Be Upcycled Into Other Products

References: yahoo &

People who went to attend the Bluezone trade show over in the western German city of Munich were treated to the site of a massive pair of sustainable jeans that were designed as part of an innovative effort to draw attention to the manner in which denim fashion can be crafted with a more eco-friendly ethos in mind.

Appropriately dubbed 'The Biggest Sustainable Jeans,' this particular pair of massive jeans measured in at 133 x 130, well and truly ruling them out of being worn by any human being. However these jeans, which were created as part of a collaboration between Orta and Wouter Munnichs, showcase sustainability credentials in the form of the use of sustainable 4853A variety denim, not to mention the fact that a fifth of the cotton is of recycled post-consumer variety.

The gigantic jeans will eventually be upcycled into other products once they've finished doing their job of capturing attention and spreading word of the importance of sustainability in fashion.