Athletic Brand Initiatives

adidas' Carbon Footprint Calculates with its 'EPIC Methodology'

References: adidas & adidas

adidas uses the 'EPIC Methodology' to calculate the carbon footprint of its products, taking into account every stage of the product's life cycle from the brand's apparel to its footwear. This includes, first, the extraction and processing of raw materials, followed by production, assembly, packaging, transportation, usage, and finally, disposal. The carbon footprint is "measured in CO2 equivalent, and importantly, the calculation follows internationally recognized standards to ensure accuracy."

Furthermore, the EPIC methodology "adopts a Cradle-to-Grave approach, meaning it considers all stages of the product’s life—aligning with the ISO 14067:2018 standard and integrates relevant guidelines from the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for Apparel and Footwear, which are still under development." To ensure its robustness, the methodology has also been reviewed by the sustainability consulting firm Quantis which provides a breakdown of data.

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