Airline Carbon Capture Initiatives

easyJet's Partnership with Airbus Focuses on DACCS Technology

easyJet has entered a partnership with Airbus to drive forward its commitment to achieving geological net zero in aviation, utilizing cutting-edge Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) technology. Geological net zero focuses on balancing carbon extraction from geological sources by ensuring an equivalent amount is permanently stored back underground.

Once isolated and purified, the captured carbon dioxide has two potential pathways: it can be stored safely in underground reservoirs, effectively removing it from the carbon cycle, or it can be used to create sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

One notable aspect of the initiative is Airbus' pledge to purchase 400,000 tonnes of carbon removal credits from its partner 1PointFive. This will equip the brand with enough credits for 2026 to 2029, allowing the company to offset a significant portion of its emissions while advancing its broader sustainability goals.

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