Environmentally Friendly Skincare Boosters

Bybi's Glowcurrant Booster is a Carbon-Negative Product
Laura McQuarrie — February 7, 2022Bybi's Glowcurrant Booster claims to be the world's first carbon-negative skincare product and it is made with low-carbon ingredients and sequesters carbon throughout its supply chain, so it does not rely on carbon offsetting whatsoever. The environmentally friendly skincare product takes the form of an oil that's brightening, nourishing and moisturizing, and its formula is rich in vitamins and fatty acids.
With -13g of CO2e per product, the brand says that the "Glowcurrant Booster saves the equivalent carbon emissions created by charging an iPhone11 five times." Some of the ingredients that are essential to making the product include upcycled blackcurrant seed oil (a by-product of the juicing industry, and hand-harvested white willow bark. The product is packaging with cap and nozzle that will "eat itself" in the home compost or general waste in one to three years.