Circular Beauty Brands

Ace of Air Lets Customers Buy The Product & Borrow The Package
Laura McQuarrie — February 1, 2021Ace of Air is a circular beauty brand that's designed to be fully zero-waste and it distinguishes itself with clean products and a "Buy the Product & Borrow the Package" model. The brand is preparing to introduce eight skincare and supplement products that are free from harsh ingredients such as fillers, allergens, parabens, silicones, sulfates, formaldehyde and more.
Some of the ingredients that can be found in the products include fair trade Moringa from Haiti to wild-harvested Kahai Oil from Columbia, and these are just a few of the brand's ingredients that are sustainably and ethically sourced to support both people and the planet.
With Ace of Air, customers can choose the products they want to receive in their Boomerang Box and send back empty product packaging.