Circular Personal Care Systems

Era Zero Waste Applies the Milkman Model to Personal Care Products

References: prnewswire & kickstarter

Era Zero Waste is a Berlin-based e-commerce system that was created to help people consume what they need without all of the disposable packaging. Taking inspiration from the old milkman model, Era Zero Waste is now introducing itself to the world on Kickstarter with six high-end sustainable personal care and cleaning products that can be refilled at customers' homes. With either a bike refill station or a carbon-neutral mail solution, consumers can receive all of the products they need without the waste that ordinarily happens in the process.

With its cruelty-free, toxin-free and organic formulas, Era Zero Waste sees a better way to get items like shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, body wash, dish soap and more in the hands of consumers.

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Era Zero Waste