Atmosphere-Inspired Installations

Chris Cheung Visualizes Carbon Dioxide in a Mesmerizing Way
Kalin Ned — January 17, 2018Chris Cheung, also referred to by his artist name 'h0nh1m', combines ecological mindfulness and futuristic connotations in his atmosphere-inspired installation 'CarbonSpace.' The piece is a kinetic-data soundscape, consisting of 18 tracks of granular synthesized samples of carbon dioxide emissions—from jet engine sounds to factory noises. The result is a thoughtful tribute to nature and space, open for reevaluation of ecologically reckless practices. The work is a recorded visualization of carbon footprint developments in the atmosphere since 1958 as reported by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.)
As the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere reached astronomical heights in 2017, Chris Cheung's atmosphere-inspired installation seeks to raise awareness and potentially situate the individual within the present context.