Eco-Friendly Ammonia Engines

These Engines Can Power Automobiles Whilst Curbing Carbon Emissions

References: bloomberg & gac-motor

China's Guanghzhou Automobile Group (GAC) is developing an ammonia engine that is designed to produce substantial amounts of electricity to power automobiles whilst producing far fewer carbon emissions compared to conventional fuels.

This ammonia engine, which was introduced to onlookers at a recent Tech Day demonstration in China, is a 2.0-liter offering that is said to be able to achieve a maximum power output in the region of 161 horsepower, with carbon emissions said to be 90 percent less than typical fuels. If successfully implemented in vehicles, the utilization of ammonia as a clean source of fuel could represent significant potential in designing an eco-friendly automotive future.

Qi Hongzhong of GAC's research and development division stated that the company has been able to "overcome the pain point of ammonia being difficult to burn quickly and put the fuel to use in the passenger car industry," making for interesting implications for commercial ventures.