Eco-Friendly Airplane Meal Trays

The Zero Eco Meal Tray Concept Brings Awareness to Waste

References: tuvie & priestmangoode

The Zero Eco Meal Tray Concept has been designed as part of a project by PriestmanGoode that aims to tackle the large amount of waste created through in-flight food service. The theme of the project is 'Get Onboard: Reduce, Reuse, Rethink' and features all components crafted using materials that are biodegradable, compostable and edible. This would help to reduce the 5.7-million tonnes of cabin waste that is created each year by air travel alone.

The Zero Eco Meal Tray Concept is a finalist for the Crystal Cabin Award 2020 and maintains a distinctly modern design that, while conceptual, could be seen in the aircraft cabins of the future. The tray is also designed alongside a water bottle that is perfectly suited for storage in a seat pocket.