Compostable Organic Tea Bags

Waitrose Launches Compostable Tea Bags for its Duchy Brand

References: packagingnews & waitrose

The first store in the UK to sell certified own-brand home biodegradable tea bags is Waitrose, according to a statement from the brand. Customers may now put the retailer's Duchy tea bags directly into a home compost bin or heap thanks to its TUV OK compost Home accreditation. According to Waitrose, this change could potentially save 12.2 tonnes of material from being disposed of in a landfill or burned in one year, which is the equivalent of almost 4.5 million Waitrose Duchy tea bags. The packaging also features reduced ink coverage to ensure that they can be broken down post-consumption.

“The reality is that our customers want to make whatever changes they can to ensure they’re shopping, eating and drinking more sustainably. By securing accreditation for products such as our Duchy home compostable tea bags, we’re reassuring our customers that by making these little changes to their shopping habits, they can reduce their impact on the environment,” said Christina Capellaro, packaging development manager at Waitrose.